
Qu-Bit Surface

Qu-Bit Surface

Qu-Bit Surface



Discover the Surface, a groundbreaking multi-timbral physical modeling voice that seamlessly blends the sonic qualities of acoustic instruments with synthetic textures. This versatile module features a variety of sound models including plucked strings, prepared piano, and an array of tuned percussion. With up to 8 voices of polyphony, the Surface enables complex and rich soundscapes.

Enhance your audio experience with its true stereo outputs and configurable spatialization modes. The Surface offers a unique approach to physical modeling, blurring the lines between emulation and synthesis to craft entirely new sound worlds.

Key Features:

  • Multi-timbral physical modeling voice
  • Various sound models: plucked strings, prepared piano, tuned percussion, and waveguides
  • 8 voice polyphony
  • True stereo outputs with unique spatialization modes


  • Width: 10HP
  • Depth: 28mm
  • Power: 60 mA +12V, 60 mA -12V, 0 mA +5V