AJH Synth Triple Cross Xfader and Panner (Black)

AJH Synth Triple Cross Xfader and Panner (Black)

AJH Synth Triple Cross Xfader and Panner (Black)



Tone Science Triple Cross Xfader and Panner is an innovative module crafted by electronic music genius Ian Boddy and AJH Synth. This versatile module features three independent crossfader and panner channels, ideal for both audio and CV signals. Customize each channel in four unique configurations:

1. One In, One Out Linear VCA
2. Two In, One Out Crossfader
3. One In, Two Out Panner
4. Two In, Two Out Crossfader & Reversing Panner

Experience enhanced sound design with audio rate modulation on CV inputs, creating intriguing Ring Modulation and Cross Modulation effects. Each channel is equipped with a dedicated Fade control, CV input, and CV Level attenuverter, allowing for precise manipulation of incoming CV signals.

The L1 and L2 outputs from channels 1 and 2 are normalized to channel 3’s inputs, offering their own level controls for balancing signals. This setup enables complex fading and panning between four input sources, providing both Mono and Stereo output options. Discover more about the Triple Cross Xfader and Panner to elevate your audio creation.